Dawn Charleston-Green

Your Encounter is Closer Than You Think

Friend, whatever you are called and purposed to do, do it with God’s strength and leading. Don’t compromise it no matter how bright the lights might be, or how significant the dividends. We cannot pray and ask God to enlarge our territory, and then turn around and let down the borders of our faith; turning our focus to success and popularity. It’s the boundaries of our faith and the wisdom that comes from it that keeps us safe emotionally, mentally, financially, and spiritually.  Though it might seem like such an easy edit, just like with my book, deleting God will not help you become the best version of yourself. Even when it’s tempting, Sis…Trust God anyway. You’ll never be disappointed. 

To my fellow sisters who may be feeling discouraged, remember to pause and appreciate the encounters with God\’s blessings that are all around us. They are always present, even in the uncertainties and chaos of life. Let\’s be diligent in becoming more aware of the new encounters God is divinely orchestrating for us. However, do not forget, it\’s not the encounter that happens that is the best part…it\’s the encounter with Him that makes the difference.

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